International Women’s Day

So today is International Women’s Day, smack dab in the middle of Women’s History Month. Yet most people probably kicked off their month thinking about Ash Wednesday (or recovering from their first Mardi Gras without New Orleans,) celebrating Spring Break, or focusing on their studies, and I guess a lot of my friends are looking forward to St. Patrick’s Day. So who’s really taking the time to think about women or their history? GWB (the Great White Beast) took a moment to point out that he’d heard of Rosa Parks and Coretta Scott King, and to make cracks about gendered language (haha, “ambassadresses”). Makes you wonder how ‘international’ women are faring with the gag rule on abortion, doesn’t it?

As much as I like the notion of the holiday, the festive or serious commemoration of a struggle or a cause, I can’t help wondering what we’ve got to celebrate. If you can’t take a vacation day to go march in protest, why bring it up at all? And has anyone noticed that Women’s History is playing second fiddle to the Red Cross, Irish Americans, Peanuts, Frozen Foods, Crafts, and Music in Our Schools, all of which also celebrate the month of March?






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