Apparently, they are for losers:
‘To be unable to take his enemies, his misfortunes and even his misdeeds seriously for long–that is the sign of strong, rounded natures with superabundance of a power which is flexible, formative, healing and can make one forget…. A man like this shakes from him, with one shrug, many worms which would have burrowed into another man; here and here alone is it possible, assuming that this is possible at all on earth–truly to ‘love your neighbour.”
I’ve always wondered about remembrance imperatives like “Never Forget.” The ones who forget are the ones who don’t have anything to remember, who saw it all on television and can’t distinguish fiction from fact. For those most intimately affected, can there be any doubt that we’ll remember? Who would begrudge us some momentary amnesia? Perhaps we ought to cultivate a science of forgetting instead, an amnesiotechnics.
Forget easily and often!
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