I originally put this together for my students.
On Solitary Confinement:
- Solitary in Iran Nearly Broke Me. Then I Went Inside America’s Prisons. by Shane Bauer
- Subjects Without a World: A Husserlian Analysis of Solitary Confinement, by Lisa Guenther
- The Inhumane Conditions of Bradley Manning’s Detention, by Glenn Greenwald
On the Cost of Prisons and Prison Labor:
- The Bottom One Percent, by David Henderson
- The Price of Prisons, by the Vera Institute for Justice
- Too Many Laws, Too Many Prisoners, by Mark Kleiman
- Five Myths about Prison Growth, Dispelled, by John Pfaff
Race and Prisons:
- From Slavery to Mass Incarceration, by Loic Wacquant
- The Challenge of Prison Abolition, Angela Davis and Dylan Rodriguez
- Slavery by Another Name
Stop and Frisk:
- NYPD’s Stop and Frisk Practice: Unfair and Unjust
- Stop and Frisk: The Human Impact
- Broken Windows, by James Q. Wilson and George Kelling
Parole and Probation:
- I currently lack good articles on parole and probation. Any suggestions?
Agamben and related matters:
- What is a Camp? by Giorgio Agamben
- Homo Sacre
- Life and Law, by Jonathan Short
- Nothing Exceptional: Against Agamben, by Steve Colatrella
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