Tag: Iraq
While we wait for the next “Pentagon Papers”
…the traditional policy process was viewed not only as unproductive but “perilous.” Information, that is, could slow decision-making; indeed, when it had to do with a bold and risky venture like the Iraq war, information and discussion — an airing, say, of the precise obstacles facing a “democratic transition” conducted with a handful of troops…
Out of Iraq
George McGovern‘s plan to stabilize Iraq: Step 1. Leave Step 2. Deputize Iran (and other Arab states) Step 3. Pay for our Mistakes (just like Iraq pays Kuwait) I’m not sure what I think of this, but there it is. Leaving is a tossup: either the destabilized regions continue with their ethnic cleansing by scaring…
Re-liberation Theology: Imperialism, Insurrection, Insurgency
It’s old news that the US is scaling back in Afghanistan. With NATO in charge, there seems little chance that various national caveats to the standard rules of engagment will enable the military forces there to beat back the warlords. I doubt that anyone even thinks that’s a legitimate goal; most seem convinced that we…
Gov’t taps ABC to root out leakers.
This strikes me as very important, at least domestically. ABC’s calls are being tracked, or at least that’s the claim. We had all become comfortable with an uneasy cold war between the state and journalists, conducted with a string of double agents we called leakers and whistleblowers. The state was opposed to these unauthorized informants,…
Kendall-Smith and Kant: Can the Critique of Practical Reason make you ethical?
Ever since Adolf Eichmann pretended that Kant’s theory of ethics could be used to defend his actions, I’ve wondered whether moral philosophers really have any tendency to be better people, or to live better lives. As Arendt put it in Eichmann in Jerusalem, “He did his duty… he not only obeyed orders, he also obeyed…
News in Review
Silly of me to post without checking out the breaking Sunday stories. WaPo has the US planning airstrikes on Iran. If this was Martin Sheen’s White House, I’d know the story was coming while Stealth bombers flew towards their targets, and that Monday’s news wouldn’t be about planning the strikes, but about their effects. I…