Tag: We Live In the Future

  • Arendt’s 1964 Lecture on Cybernetics

    [This is an uncorrected transcription of some remarks Hannah Arendt gave to the first annual Conference on the Cybercultural Revolution. I’ve copied it from the Library of Congress, here. Notice that her concerns with the end of work are quite strong in these remarks. Her comments on the necessity of a social safety net in a…

  • Personal identity intuitions

    Most philosophers start with the big theories: psychological continuity, embodied persistence, “no further fact” anticriterialism. Yet in a vaguely Parfitian way, I’ve been wondering whether our identity intuitions can or should be forced to line up under a particular theory. So let’s look at some of the intuition pumps and see if they ought, in…

  • Some good sentences on science fiction

    I’ve been looking at G. K. Chesterton’s theology lately, but today I came across this: The modern man no longer presents the memoirs of his great grandfather; but is engaged in writing a detailed and authoritative biography of his great-grandson. […]there is something spirited, if eccentric, in the sight of so many people fighting over…

  • Google evaluates our reading level

    Check out the results here. How to take the news? Should I be pleased that I blog in an accessible style or worried that the blog is only 18% advanced? I think this is a good “first principles” question for philosophers to ask themselves, especially since Google seems to be using sentence length and jargon-laden…

  • Wikileaks as Distributed Governance

    Hannah Arendt begins The Human Condition with an account of a world in which “speech has lost its power,” where scientific omnipotence is achieved through the manipulation of mathematical equations whose sense escapes even the mathematicians’ capacity to intuit, and the decision to unleash destructive nuclear powers has been foisted upon non-scientists who are even more…

  • This is why we need a “Dislike” button.

    The Washington Post tells the tragic story of a new mother’s untimely death by annotating her Facebook page. (via) Is this the new model for obituaries? Friendship is not a gift, or a promise; it is not a form of generosity. Rather, this incommensurable relation of one to the other is the outside drawing near…

  • An Uncanny Film

    Watch this: Beautiful, right? Now watch this: It’s all computer generated! Here’s how it’s done. (via)